Why Gummies?
Why eat them? Taking care of yourself just got a whole lot easier!Gummies become healthy, nutritious and functional. You will finally leave boring capsules and tablets behind.
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Frequently asked questions
Our gummies are suitable for children and can be taken from the age at which the child can chew and swallow well to avoid choking problems. In addition, we have Multikids gummies with the required amount of vitamins for children.
To date, all our gummies are formulated with gelatine of animal origin, except Omega which has pectin and is therefore suitable for vegans.
No, all our gummies are allergen-free and manufactured in trace-free facilities.
Yes, each of our gummies has different functionalities that can even complement each other; the only thing to keep in mind is not to exceed the recommended daily amount of polyols to avoid possible laxative effects.
Recognise the importance of systematic exercise and physical activities to prevent and combat the ills of civilisation.
Joe Weider
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Tibial Pain Syndrome
This is a very characteristic injury of runners and other athletes that involves running. We can say that tibial pain is...