And how to include nuts and dried fruit in your everyday life
With the bad press they have had over the years, it was about time that the benefits of the PEANUTS have the recognition and nutritional importance they deserve.
When a food has a high percentage of fat and calories, it does not mean that it is bad for your health. Quite the contrary, it has huge benefits. Nuts contain significant amounts of protein, antioxidants, fibre, minerals, and vitamins B and E. And of course, nuts and dried fruit are also very good for your health. GOOD FATS they contain, which are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
The key to consuming nuts and dried fruit is consume them IN THEIR NATURAL FORMI.E. NOT ULTRAPROCESSED, without any salt, oils, additives, etc.
What do we get from peanuts?
Then we have another superfoodwhich many people classify as a nut, but which is actually a legume: the PEANUTS. They are the seeds of a legume (Arachis hypogaea), but it would also be correct to classify them as "nuts" not only because of their appearance, but also because of their nutritional properties.
The benefits of peanuts are manifold. They are rich in vitamin B3, folic acid and contain 26% of protein. These proteins are rich in Argininea non-essential amino acid that is involved in the production of the growth hormone and in the maintenance and repair of the immune and nervous systems.
It is also rich in tryptophanan essential amino acid that is used by our brains to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilises mood and helps us to fall asleep.
And just like all other nuts, the key to eating peanuts is to eat them IN THEIR NATURAL FORM, WITHOUT ADDITIVES, SALT OR OILS. One of the most popular and delicious ways to eat peanuts is in their natural form. butter or lardBe careful! It is important to read labels carefully, because many peanut spreads are sold with other ingredients that make them an unhealthy food.
That is why the Peanut Butter by Weider ONLY HAS ONE INGREDIENT: PEANUTS.
Ideal for breakfasts or mid-mornings because of its SACRIFICING AND NUTRITIOUS POWER. I also recommend including it in the pre-workout meal, for its energy contribution.

- On top of your oatmeal pancake for breakfast or cook it inside the pancake even
- Spread on rice pancakes or whole wheat bread
- Mixed with your protein shake to add more texture and make it more satiating
- Apple and peanut butter: one of my favourite mixes: slice the apple, put 15-20 g of Weider Peanut Butter in a small bowl and enjoy!

Nutritionists and personal trainer.