Summer is here and it's time to show off your great figure on the beach. And like every year we all want to look slim, healthy and we want to lose weight and get rid of those extra kilos we have gained during the winter, as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits.
But this year is going to be different. It's all about beating the scales once and for all, and with a series of simple steps to achieve a body fitness all year round!
The key is in the DIET. We have to achieve a balance in our diet, which has all the nutrients in the right amounts: Proteins, Carbohydrates y Grasas. Mi consejo es que comas cinco veces al día, empezar con un buen desayuno es fundamental y terminar la jornada con una cena ligera que contenga verduras y una ración de proteínas, el pescado blanco preparado a la plancha o hervido es ideal para esta hora del día.
Come ensaladas abundantes, frutas sobretodo en el desayuno y la media mañana. Cereales integrales, como el arroz o la avena. Las grasas también son importantes! El aceite de oliva o de lino por ejemplo, ricas en ácidos grasos omega 3 and omega 6.
And speaking of fats, did you know that there is a fat that is a great ally when it comes to combating fat loss and boosting muscle toning? Well, yes, friends, from now on you must take into account the existence of this wonderful and effective product: the Weider CLA.
The CLA o Conjugated Linoleic Acid improves the balance between lean muscle mass and fat mass, enabling a fat loss while improving muscle definition and strength. Take four CLA capsules a day, spread over your meals, and not only will you lose fat, but you will also achieve the muscle toning you need to have a great body!
And to finish helping your new figure to definitely eliminate those kilos gained during the winter, I recommend the new Fat Burner he has created for you: Thermo Capsque gracias a la L-Carnitina y los extractos de té verde, guaraná, y hierva mate, aumenta el ritmo metabólico, promueve la pérdida de grasa, aumenta la energía durante el ejercicio y controla tu apetito. Toma 3 cápsulas diarias, una veinte minutos antes del desayuno, la segunda veinte minutos antes del almuerzo y la tercera a media tarde o antes de entrenar… en pocas semanas se notaran los resultados, ¡garantizado!
Follow a daily training planThe ideal is to combine cardiovascular (aerobic) work with weight training (anaerobic). The ideal is to combine cardiovascular (aerobic) work with weight training (anaerobic). Contrary to what many women think, weights are a powerful fat burner! In addition to shaping your figure, accentuating your curves and improving your posture. Don't hesitate and start your ultimate plan now!
By following these dietary tips, supporting your body with these great supplements and doing moderate exercise on a daily basis, you'll achieve a fit, healthy, lean physique all year round, and you'll even be able to indulge yourself once a week, which your body won't even notice.