Ingredients that work
If there is one thing we tend to forget, it is PREVENTION, and unfortunately we only remember it when it is too late, that is, when it hurts. PAIN is a symptom that something is wrong, an injury, perhaps? In the case of the joints, this symptom tells us that we are already too late and that from now on nothing will be the same as before. This is the turning point in sporting life, because from now on we have to be very careful with our joints and we may never be the same again. I know it's very difficult to spend money on something I apparently don't need, because if my joints don't hurt, why would I take a joint product? The idea of prevention when we have to buy protein, creatine, glutamine, etc. is complicated, but it is so, we have to reserve a percentage of the budget to take something that "we are not going to notice", we have to take something that "we are not going to notice". JOINT PROTECTORS.
The proven ingredients that we should use are:

La Condroitina es el más abundante GlucosaAminoGlucano (GAG, Proteoglucanos) de la matriz extracelular del cartílago articular. Contribuye a aportar sus cualidades mecánicas y elásticas, gracias a la propiedad de retención de agua, lo que mantiene y controla la presión osmótica del cartílago. Preservando así las propiedades de hidratación, flexibilidad y elasticidad de este tejido.
In degenerative joint diseases, the key stage of deterioration is the loss of these cartilage proteoglycans.
The efficacy of chondroitin sulphate in sportsmen and women is due to the following mechanisms of action
Anti-inflammatory activity on cellular components of inflammation.
- Stimulation of the synthesis of proteoglucans and endogenous (own) hyaluronic acid.
- Reduced catabolic activity (destruction) of chondrocytes.
- Protective effect of the cellular components of cartilage.
It also reduces swelling and/or joint effusion. Since this natural ingredient is not a drug like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), its action is slower, taking between 2 and 3 weeks to take effect. Its efficacy is the same as that of NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.), but its action is also remanent, maintaining its effect for up to 2 to 3 months after stopping treatment. This is why it is necessary to take and rest periods. Since the structure of chondroitin sulphate is identical to that of our chondroitin sulphate (a natural substance found in human connective tissue), oral administration of chondroitin sulphate is not toxic.
Chondroitin sulphate has the advantage of being a natural substance that is much safer than the drugs used classically, as it has no adverse gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal or cardiovascular effects like most NSAIDs, so it can be administered chronically as these pathologies normally require, acting as a basic treatment.
- Recommended dosesNormally between 600 and 1,200 mg per day. Spread over one or more doses, preferably after meals. For at least 3 months.
- WarningsChondroitin has anticoagulant activity, its use could prolong clotting time or enhance the action of anticoagulant drugs.
Glucosamine sulphate is an active principle of biological origin present in the human body. This amino sugar is essential for the normal growth and repair of joint cartilage. It is an essential substrate for the biosynthesis of Proteoglucans and Glucose Amino Glucans (GAGs) found in cartilage. We could say that it is the raw material that our body uses to manufacture a wide variety of other substances related to the formation of tendons, ligaments, cartilage and the synovial fluid that surrounds the joints. As a food supplement, it is a natural ingredient because it is synthesised from chitin in the shells and/or shells of crustaceans and molluscs. Its therapeutic action is due to the fact that it promotes the synthesis of proteoglycans in articular cartilage, as well as having anti-inflammatory activity independent of cyclooxygenase (anti-inflammatory activity of NSAIDs), hence its good gastrointestinal tolerance and safety. The safety characteristics, onset of action, level of effectiveness and duration of action are similar to those mentioned for chondroitin sulphate.
- Recommended doses1,200 to 1,500 mg per day. Spread over one or more doses, preferably after meals. For at least 3 months.
- WarningsGlucosamine, being an amino sugar, may slightly increase blood glucose levels, so diabetics should be aware of this.
Combined intake of Glucosamine and Chondroitin
The main chondropathies and osteoarthritis are caused by wear and tear and/or dehydration of cartilage and joint fluid, causing the hard parts of the joint (bones) to rub together, resulting in discomfort, stiffness and pain.
There is sufficient evidence of increased efficacy with the therapeutic combination of these two substances. Research shows that taking supplements combining Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphates increases the amount of cartilage and fluid surrounding the joint and prevents deterioration of the joints.
The same is true. Other research shows how these substances can prevent the rapid progression of these joint pathologies.
We can say that these ingredients, when taken over the long term and once the injury has already occurred, in addition to relieving pain, can also slow down the wear and tear of joints in people with osteoarthritis. As well as being effective in the symptomatic treatment of these conditions, they are also highly safe. This last point is key in the chronic treatment of chondral pathology, as adverse effects and possible interactions with other drugs are reduced.
As always in Weider, and based on the latest research, we are at the forefront in the formulation of products. In this case we offer you one of the best and most complete supplements for the prevention and care of your joints, it is GLUCOSAMINE CHONDROITIN PLUS MSM.

If you haven't tried it yet, don't wait to get injured, set aside a small percentage of your budget and get your joints fed too.
And remember, whether or not you achieve your goals is up to you, the secret, EDS:Training, Diet and Supplementation.